Sunday, January 5, 2014

Transform Ministries, Mexico Update #2

Thank you for your prayers and support for Transform Ministries throughout November and December!

I'd like to take a moment and provide you with a recap of what the Lord accomplished in the second leg of the tour in Mexico.

In September and October, 5 conferences were successfully held throughout the state of Sonora, along with 7 evangelistic events for kids and families.  The recap of this first month can be read here.
Clowns for Jesus!

Here is a brief illustrated recap of what took place during the second month of ministry in Mexico.


In Sinaloa, Transform Ministries and Evangelism Explosion (Hope For Kids) collaborated to hold two conferences and minister in three churches. 70 teachers were trained in evangelism, discipleship, effective outreach ministry techniques, and creative teaching methods for the classroom. 11 children accepted Christ as their Savior in the evangelistic outreaches, and over 100 adults were trained in “everyday evangelism.”

The Word of God is the center of everything we say and do!
Evangelism training for a conference of 12 churches.
Teachers passionate about evangelism!
Hope for Kids collaborated with Transform Ministries
to train three churches in effective evangelism of kids.
"Creative Teaching Methods" Class
Equipping teachers to lay down the curriculum book and tap into kids' imaginations
in order to make Bible truths stick and apply them to kids' lives.
Candy is essential in Kid Min - for the teachers!

50 teachers trained in Las Glorias, Sinaloa, where 11 children
professed to accept Christ as their Savior in an evangelistic outreach.

The evangelistic program that we held for the children in the neighborhood of the church
was one of the first experiences for many teachers in community evangelism. Most churches
want to evangelize, but don't know how. It was exciting to see these teachers become
passionate about creating evangelistic outreaches in their own communities 
and brainstorming about new ideas in their ministries.
Evangelism Partners in Sinaloa:
Alex Mata and Evie Coult

Ministry Partners:
Doug and Rebecca Coult, missionaries
Fabian Mendoza, evangelist


In Yúcatan, I preached at a three-day children's state camp for the Church of God of Prophecy, and held a two-day conference for 25 of the region's children's ministry leaders. For the following two weeks, I preached nearly every other evening in a different church.  I was blessed to meet many new pastors and dedicated believers across this beautiful state. Many renewed their vows to the Lord, and God worked mightily in establishing an open door for work in 2014. At the end of my time in Yúcatan, God allowed me the privilege to translate for Bishop David Bryan in a three-night evangelistic crusade that he was holding in the state.

The elementary School in Tchenkenen, Yúcatan
The children were thrilled to see us in the village,
and we had an excellent kids service with them.
The worship team at the COGOP Kids Camp 2013,
"I Live For You,"  where I preached three evangelistic services.
The regional worship team did an excellent
job at bringing the children into meaningful and
deliberate worship to Jesus Christ.

Church of God of Prophecy in Tchenkeken, Yúcatan
The majority of the people in this village are of Mayan decent
and still maintain the Mayan language and culture.  Although the region
is highly evangelized, there are still many who have not chosen
to follow Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

COGOP Kids Camp 2013,
"I Live For You."
The state children's director for the Church of God of Prophecy,
Wendy Angulo (right) and her mother, Iliana Beltran (left),
the pastor of the 3rd Church of God of Prophecy
in Tizimín, Yúcatan (there are four churches in total).
Flor Mari, a sweet Mayan sister of the Church of God of Prophecy in Tchenkeken
with three of her great-granddaughters.  Flor, like many residents of this remote village,
owns a home in the city but chooses to live in the tranquil and simple community of Tchenkeken.

My host pastors, the Angulo-Beltran family.  After two months of tacos and soups,
my wonderful hosts took me out for pizza - a welcomed treat!

Regional Teachers Training in Tizimín, Yúcatan, where 25 teachers were trained
in lesson planning, evangelism, discipline, and family outreach.

My hosts in Yucatan for two weeks, the Chan-Homa family
Church of God of Prophecy in Nacutche, Yúcatan

Exploring the ruins of the ancient Mayan city, Chichen-Itza, near Cancún, Yúcatan.

My adventures in learning how to sleep
in a hammock without falling out:



After my time in Yúcatan, I flew to central Mexico and ministered in the state of Puebla. While in Puebla, I became ill, and after the initial training conference, in which 20 teachers were trained, I stayed in bed for two days, recuperating. Thanks to all who prayed for my health during this trip – the constant travel wore on me, but the Lord gave me supernatural strength and healing several times.

My next stop was Mexico City, D.F., where I held a three-day regional training conference for pastors and teachers. After the conference in D.F., I held a day of workshops in Hidalgo, and then arrived in the state of Mexico, where I travelled around for two weeks preaching, training churches in evangelism, and holding evangelistic events for kids and families.

Transform Ministries and Hope for Kids collaborated
to train 25 teachers in Puebla from 3 different churches
in effective evangelism techniques for children. 
My guitar was my constant companion, and
often attracted other curious musicians!

Damaris Gutierrez is the national children's director for Mexico,
and was my host and guide in Puebla.

Pastor Moreno and his wife, in the Church of God
of Prophecy in Actopan, Hidalgo.

My hosts in Chimalhuacan, Mexico:
Pastor Antonio Canizalez (left) and brother Sergio Hernandez (right).
The brothers took a Saturday off their jobs and took me sight-seeing
through the ancient Aztec community of Teotihucan.

The Sun Temple in the ancient Aztec city of Teotihucan.

Training pastors and leaders from various churches in Actopan, Hidalgo.

Teaching on the necessity to think outside the box in order
to create a good environment for volunteers and new teachers
to come alongside our ministries as participants rather than spectators.

Training teachers, leaders, and pastors in Effective Child Evangelism in Mexico City, D.F.
My host family in Chimalhuacan, México:
Sergio Hernandez and Carmen Gomez, with their children.

My host pastors in Chimalhuacan, México:
Antonio Canizalez and his family

Leaving Mexico was a tearful occasion, but I threw a big pizza party for
all of the friends I had made in the city of Chimalhuacan.
It was a yummy and fun way to say "goodbye for now!"

While evangelizing through the streets of Chimalhuacan, a young man approached our group.
Isaac (third from the left) is part of a successful street ministry that uses rap to evangelize all over Mexico.
It's always exciting to meet other ministers who are passionate about bringing the people to Jesus Christ!

Preparing to minister in the small community of Texcoco, México.
We reached out to families and their children through an evangelistic presentation
in the middle of the town, followed by a time of prayer for specific needs.

The results of this 9-week tour have been overwhelming. Three additional tours have been planned for 2014, in Sonora, Mexico, and Yucatan. Additionally, I will be working throughout the U.S. in several projects this year, including training in Alabama and Washington State, and evangelistic events in Georgia. Definitely, 2014 will be a busy year for Transform Ministries!

Thank you for your continued prayers. Here are specific prayer requests:

  • I've received numerous requests for conferences and speaking engagements throughout the U.S. and Mexico for 2014. At the present moment, I am in the U.S.A. working, and presenting the ministry to potential financial supporters. Please pray that the Lord bring people alongside the ministry who recognize the vision and desire to be a part of it.


Omar's Wheelchair
Omar with his letter board
    Omar is a Christian brother from Ciudad Obregón, Sonora with an incredible testimony.  In his life before Christ, Omar was part of a gang, and in a drug-deal-gone-bad, was shot in the head and left to die in the desert.

    A month later, he was miraculously found alive and underwent seven brain surgeries. Shortly after his recuperation, Omar gave his life to the Lord, and has served God faithfully in Eternal Rock church, where I preach each year that I visit Ciudad Obregón. He has an incredible testimony of the faithfulness of God, the only one who gives Second Chances, and isn't silent about his faith.

    Although he cannot speak due to the traumatic brain injuries that he experienced, Omar communicates by spelling his words out on a wooden board that hangs around his neck, and also takes care of his aged grandmother, who is now bedridden and with whom he lives. 

    Omar could ask for many things, but his only request has been that I bring him a used wheelchair. He has sat in the same wheelchair for 13 years, and it is worn. Please consider helping me fulfill this need for this brother.

God is faithful!  Thank you for your continued prayers and support!


Lacynda Biggers
Transform Ministries
(423) 310-2772

Transform Ministries, Mexico Update #1

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Hello and blessings from Transform Ministries!  Thank you for your prayers and support through the preparations of the ministry tour in Mexico.  On September 27th, Lacynda crossed the border into Mexico and we have been running on full throttle since!  Each weekend, we have been immersed in evangelistic events, along with children's ministry conferences.  Our ministry team here in Mexico has seen great victories for the kingdom of God in the last few weeks.  Many children have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior through the evangelistic outreaches that we are holding every Saturday, and many teachers are receiving training in evangelism, discipleship, family ministry, and leadership development.  Each conference has been molded to fit the needs of the local church where we minister, and we see that the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of many leaders.  So far, we have received good reports from pastors who are now implementing an organized children's ministry in their churches, and who are excited about hosting a three-day conference with Evangelism Explosion for Kids (a.k.a. Hope For Kids) in the near future.

As a united team of Transform Ministries, we have some specific prayer requests that we ask that you keep in your prayers:

-- Lacynda has been battling with her health, manifestations of a strong attack from the enemy against this ministry.  Please pray that the Lord surround her with health, strength, and wisdom as the tour continues.

-- Our team has suffered many moments of discouragement and frustration in the preparations of several activities.  We are convinced that this is an attach of Satan against the work that we are doing for the kingdom of God.  We find refuge and peace and strength in Jesus Christ, but pray that God renews our commitment to one another and that He overwhelms us with peace in midst of the storms.  We are convinced of the purpose of this tour and are convinced that as we advance the Kingdom of God for the glory of Jesus Christ, we will continue to face spiritual battles.  Pray that we stay focused and keen to the mission which we have begun.

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-- Alejandro Mata is representing Evangelism Explosion for Kids in Mexico (Hope for Kids), and has been travelling from Guaymas, his hometown, to each individual conference in northern states of Sonora and Sinaloa, and then returning to attend classes at the university during the week.  The bus trips to each city are long, tiring, and costly.  Please pray that he remains encouraged in the mission, that he finds renewed strength in the Lord to continue with his studies through the week and pour his best into the conferences that he leads on Saturdays, and that the Lord provides all the finances necessary for these trips.

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-- Fabian Mendoza is an evangelist and artist who has been a faithful ministry partner of Transform Ministries in Mexico for the last 5 years, and in the next year, will be making decisions about new areas of ministry and focus.  Please pray that God guide his steps and his decisions and he moves further in his own personal ministries and continues to advance the kingdom of Jesus Christ with the news of the Gospel.

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-- Please pray for the work of pastors Hector Valenzuela and Ana Juana, as they pastor the church of Maranatha Temple in Caborca, Sonora.  Pray that their children's ministry teachers be intentional in their presentations of the gospel.  Pastor Valenzuela is organizing a regional conference to train all his subordinate pastors and leaders in effective evangelism of children through Hope For Kids.  Please pray that he and Alejandro will be able to effectively organize and execute this event in the next spring.

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-- Sister Olivia is the children's leader for the northwest region of Mexico for the Assemblies of God.  She is organizing a spring tour for TransformMinistries, to be carried out in 2014.  Please pray that she is able to efficiently coordinate this tour and that God move before her to prepare the hearts of pastors and leaders to receive the discipleship training.

-- For the next two weeks, Transform Ministries will be in Guasave, Sinaloa, ministering in two conferences for the churches of the Christian Missionary Alliance.  These churches have had previous basic ministry training and are excited to take new and advanced courses.  Please pray that God continues to mold and bless the CMA churches as they continue to create disciples for Jesus Christ and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in renewed directions of ministry.

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-- In two weeks, Lacynda will be travelling to a city outside the capital of Yúcatan, to preach in a children's camp and to direct several regional training conferences for the Church of God of Prophecy throughout Yúcatan, Puebla, Hidalgo, Morelos, and the Federal District of Mexico (Mexico City).  Please pray for the sisters who are coordinating these conferences, and for the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct Lacynda as she prepares for this second leg of the tour.

Your prayers are invaluable to this ministry.  Thank you for your continued support. We know that we are seeing great victories because of the prayer warriors who are lifting us up as we minister.  God bless you and yours, and please know that God is doing GREAT things in Mexico, and we expect and wait for even GREATER things to come!

Your servant in Christ,
Lacynda Biggers
Cell in Mexico: 63 7376 0462