Friday, September 20, 2013

Prayers Are A Reflection Of The Heart

Hebrews 13:5-6
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence: “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me?”

In the last few days, I have been out of work, preparing for the trips that I will begin next week.  To avoid the silence of an empty house, I decided to turn the television on and listen to the Christian channels for a few days.  Over and over again this week, I have heard the following commentaries from tele-ministers:
"Sow your seed into this ministry, and God will bless you!"
"We cannot continue this ministry without your support."
"Your donations make it possible for us to continue to minister."
Brothers and sisters, I want to clear up a very important misunderstanding:  God will not bless you for an investment in His work.  God blesses a holy and sanctified life, a life that is committed to to Him and a heart that is humble and willing to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Your money cannot provoke a divine blessing.  Even your tithes are only a reflection of a life dedicated to obedience.

Money has never been a sin.  However, the TRUST in money is a sin.  It saddens me to see ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ so deceived by the enemy.  It is not money that maintains a ministry, but rather the grace of God.  In the same way, it is not money that sustains your life, but rather it is the grace of God.

Money is necessary for living, and God knows our needs, and He provides for them.  If God has blessed you with a good job, or inheritance, or a financial blessing, give Him thanks!  But remember, he who has been entrusted with the riches of this world is also entrusted with a great responsibility.  God requires obedience and humility when He gives riches.  You are expected to distribute, invest, and use your money appropriately, as a good stewart of your blessings.  Those who have money have the Godly responsibility to help and sustain those who do not have enough.  The money that God has given you is not intended to be invested in your own kingdom, but rather to bless others.  This is the kingdom of God.

If you are battling economically, don't lose hope.  I speak from experience: God knows our needs, and He always provides for them, but only when we hope in faith to see His provision.  If we do not believe that God will truly provide, then we will not be expecting His provision when it comes, and we'll miss it.  James reminds us in James 1:5b-8
... God... gives generously to all without finding fault... But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

Don't be a Yo-Yo: that's faith that's up one day, down the next.   Strive to have a constant faith. 
Wherever the treasure of your heart is hidden, that's where your prayers will be directed.  Personal dreams should not interfere with eternal hope.  Instead of praying for what we want, it's important to ask God what HE wants for our lives.  Many times we cannot see the provision of God, because our eyes are focused on our own personal goals, and not on God's eternal guidance.

If God has put into your hands a ministry that requires an investment, don't worry!  God doesn't need man't money to move His work forward.  He started it, and He'll finish it.  He's the God of miracles, and He'll always glorify His name and provide for anything that He has initiated.
What God DOES require are men and women of faith, good stewards of the blessings that He gives, people of integrity and honesty who will work hard and sincerely, who will believe in His provision and sovereignty.  Never create your own goals for ministry.  Be sure to present before God every step you will take, before you take it, and be ready to hear "no."  "No" always means that God's plan is much better than your plan.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

God Forgive America

"Self-Centered Indulgence, pride, and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle."

Billy Graham

Your generation remembers peace.
My generation has known world turmoil for the last 23 years.
Your generation sent your young people into a battle with a cause.
My generation receives our young men from the battlefront who question the cause.
Your generations demand that our soldiers return home.
My generation accepts deployment of our friends and loved ones in the military, and we know that we cannot avoid it - we must face it with courage.
Your generation demands retribution on those who stole your peace.
My generation begs that in you seek peace, not retribution.
Your generation is convinced that it is secure and safe, for now.
My generation knows that we are not. We have opened pandora's box.

God, forgive America. I love my land, but it has become troubled and misled.

While children are dying in Syria, we debate over pop-culture.
While people are starving in Africa, we battle obesity.
While crime sweeps through Central America, we secure our families in homes secured by alarms and cameras.
While terrorists take over entire countries, we watch the drama unfold on news broadcasts like a well-made movie, and then conveniently change the channel.
While poverty grows in our own working class, the rich become more .

God, we do not ask that you bless America. We ask that you forgive her. Please hear the cries of your children who are within her borders: for the sake of your loved ones, spare your anger against her.

Awake your church, Lord; revive your people, Jesus. We cry out for peace, not war. We are ambassadors of love, not hate. Sift the grain from the chaff, Holy Spirit, and strengthen those who unite in love and prayer for our beloved and beautiful nation, the United States of America. Holy Father, use us as agents of peace, healing, hope, and love in a world that desperately needs to see it.

We intercede for our leaders, who make decisions that affect other nations: give them wisdom and turn their hearts to you, Father. We pray for our soldiers, that as they fulfill their duties of protecting our land and protecting the lands of others, that their hearts would be turned to you, Jesus. We pray for the families who have lost loved ones in war and for those who have sent or are sending their loved ones into the battlefield, that your would comfort them, Holy Spirit.

Hear our prayers. Amen.